milk = oil = poison

What people are saying about Seanie Blue's whims and projects

On Blue's memoir "Skipper."

Seanie Blue recently appeared on the Fox TV 5 morning show in Washington DC to talk about his experiences shooting at night in the Arctic and in Washington.

"A small miracle of uncensored imagination!" — Washington Post on Blue's movie "Colon."

Guest spot on Fox TV.

Guest spot on Fox TV.

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Writer, director, journalist, producer, marketer. I just saw him acting in his new movie and thought, damn, he’s pretty good, and I know a little something about the movie biz! Next thing you know, Sean will be writing songs, too.
— Alan Rubin, owner, Biograph Theatre in Georgetown

Feature story in the Washington City Paper on the one and only live show of the Black Hole Buddha.

Feature story in the Washington Times on the movie "Zealots From Hell" and the reincarnation of the Betpaunks.

Beirut, Lebanon. The newspaper Seanie Blue grew up reading!

Beirut, Lebanon. The newspaper Seanie Blue grew up reading!

Seanie Blue shot the Iceland sequences for Parine Jaddo's latest movie, "Broken Record." It was the third collaboration between Blue and Turkomen filmmaker Jaddo, a recipient of the Princess Grace Award. Blue wrote the screenplay for "Aisha," which premiered at the Museum for Women in the Arts.  

(Blue’s) camera . . . follows spectacular landscapes; it captures both the artist’s sense of grief and the fragmented quality of expatriate life.
— Beirut Daily Star review of Parine Jaddo's "Broken Record"

. . . magical cross sections where the influence you have on the subject of your lens overlaps with the way they’d like to be seen — or maybe the way they’d like to feel most of the time but can’t due to the company of most men: beautiful, adored and safe to express themselves physically and emotionally. It’s an incredible gift — to be able to allow women this space, to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing — with an eye as sharp as his teeth. How do you refrain from biting?
— musician JONELLE VETTE, writing about Seanie Blue shooting women

Jonelle was writing about this picture of Sean's.